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Yogachariya Jnandev Giri  

Founder and Director Gurukula UK & Portugal 

Founder Sanatan Yoga  

Gitananda Yoga Chikitsa Achariya ICYER, Puducherry India  


Surender Saini, now known as Yogachariya Jnandev, was born in a typical Hindu family. He grew up under the guidance and blessings of his virtuous parents, loving and caring two brothers and a sister. This gave Jnandev a strong foundation for a yogic, ethical, and moral lifestyle. He also had a great influence on his late Nana (grandfather), who was a great bhajan singer and spiritual storyteller. He will also get Jnandev to read Ramayana, Mahabharata, and other epic Hindu stories. This planted some seeds of spirituality, Hinduism and Yoga in Jnandev's young mind.  


Jnandev began his career as a pharmacist, but he did not enjoy it for too long. He found it not very helpful in helping people be healthy or happy. So, he went back to further education. Jnandev had a great interest in science and, hence, went on to graduate with a degree in maths, physics, and chemistry. These aspects of his studies have given Jnandev a much greater understanding of many yogic ideas and principles from scientific perspectives.  

 Yogachariya's Jnandev Parents


In 1995, during the pharmacy course, he met a friend who allowed him to learn some concentration practices, relaxation techniques, and a few asanas or postures to learn hypnosis. After a few months of Trataka, relaxation practices, and some visualisation, Jnandev felt drawn to learn more about hatha yoga, meditation, and relaxation techniques and followed various ashrams, yoga centres, and yoga shalas as and when he could. Since then, he has tried doing some of his Sadhana daily.  


At the end of his graduation, he decided to follow the path of civil services in India and was preparing for competition exams. During this period, his Sadhana also got deeper and deeper, and he felt drawn to finding the true meaning of life through Yoga. In this quest, he arrived at Jain Vishwa Bharati University, Ladnun, and 2000 and completed his M.S.C. in Preksha Meditation and Yoga as a gold medallist. Here he was blessed by the presence of his Guru Sthita Prajna Ji, who guided Jnandev on every level of his Sadhana. Also, Jnandev spent most of his time in one of the richest libraries, where he managed to read or study many original scriptures and manuscripts.  

Jnandev and student stopping to visit family on their way to a course at the Ashram.


This was also the time Jnandev started to write. Since 2000, Jnandev has written many articles and research papers in India. This was the beginning point of this yoga course. Since then, Jnandev has visited and lived in many ashrams and yoga institutes to learn, practice, and grow in his Sadhana.  

From 2003 to 2006, Jnandev worked in one of the most reputed schools in Jaipur (M.G.P.S., Vidyadhar Nagar, Jaipur). This gave Jnandev a new opportunity to explore various aspects of Hatha Yoga practices that benefit young children. During this time, Jnandev learned, followed, and taught various hatha yoga kriya sets, asanas, and mudras from beginners to advanced levels.  


During this time, to understand our minds from a modern perspective, Jnandev also completed a Master's in Psychotherapy and Counselling (distance learning) course.  


2006-07 Jnandev, searching to advance his Sadhana and yogic development, arrived at Ananda Ashram, Puducherry. The six-month advanced yoga teacher training course under the guidance of his now Guru Ammaji Meenakshi Devi and Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani completed Jnandev's journey of search for true authentic Yoga. This intensive six-month course in Gitananda Rishiculture Ashtanga Yoga gave a new life or birth to the present Jnandev. Ammaji also gave Surender the name and title 'Yogachariya Jnandev' at the end of the course, which he has used for most of his life.  

Jnandev and students on a Teacher Training Retreat in the ECO-Ashram in Portugal.


All this time, Jnandev managed to do his Sadhana regularly and keep writing his notes, practices, understanding, and experiences of various practices, philosophical ideas, and principles.  

Jnandev arrived in the U.K. in 2008. In 2009, he established Yoga Satsanga Ashram, Wales, UK; in 2010-11, he started to run the first foundation course in Yoga compiled from all these writings and teachings Jnandev has been working on since 2000. Since then, Jnandev has authored 12 books and more to be published, along with compiling Yoga Teacher Training Courses, Kids Yoga Teacher Training Courses, Yoga Therapy Courses and many other such courses.  


Sanatan Yoga primarily follows Gitananda Yoga but also has a great input from the teachings and blessings of Jain Vishwas Bharati, Hatha Yoga Guru Balendu Giriji, Mahavira Nathaji, and many more divine souls. The blessings of Ammaji and Dr Ananda have kept Jnandev on this straight path of Yoga.  

Yogachariya Jnandev met Yogacharini Deepika at Ananda Ashram. They both had three lovely boys, growing up in the Ashram and helping to grow and evolve daily.  


Jnandev with Dr Ananda and Amaji

Presently, Yogachariya Jnandev Giri is also Yoga Chikitsa Achariya at Ananda Ashram and running Yoga Chiktisa online and residential courses under the blessings of his Guru Ammaji Yogacharini Meenakshi Devi Ji in the guidance of his mentor and guide Yogachariya Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani Ji.  


So far, Jnandev has compiled, written, and published more than 12 books on various subjects related to Yoga, the yogic lifestyle, and health and wellness.  


Since 2021, Yogachariya Jnandev has founded Gurukula, the home of Sanatan Yoga Sadhana and Education, Portugal.  


May Divine and GURU (the One who shows us the path to self-realisation and guides us from darkness to light) always bless us all on this path of Yoga to grow spiritually.  
May the Divine and Guru give us strength and courage to follow this path of discipline, which can lead us to the union of body, mind, and soul.  


May the divine bless all with SAT-CHIT-ANANDA (divine love and bliss).  


Yogachariya Jnandev Giri  

Director and Founder Gurukula Uk & Portugal 

Yoga Chikitsa Achariya Gitananda Yoga @ Ananda Ashram (I.C.Y.E.R.), Puducherry India 

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