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yoga teacher training

Yoga Teacher Training

Advanced Training (300 Hours)

Course Information

Our Mission

To take your Yoga knowledge, teaching skills and personal development to the next level

We are committed to making you a better Yoga teacher — one who loves physical, emotional, mental, and cultural/spiritual practices.

Learn with us and share the love for this ancient philosophy and school of well-being. We provide more tools for your teaching and personal development.


Stand out from the croud 

  • Yoga Teacher Training - Foundation Course
    The Yoga Teacher Training at Home.Yoga stands out for its comprehensive Foundation course, which provides a solid framework for understanding the authentic practice of yoga with a living tradition. The 200 hours of training are spread out over 6 months, allowing for a deeper and more integrated learning experience. This approach ensures that our trainees have ample time to absorb and embody the teachings, creating insightful and versatile yoga teachers. Our training goes beyond the physical practice, encompassing the philosophical and spiritual aspects of yoga, providing a holistic and well-rounded education. With a focus on building a strong foundation in yoga, our teacher training sets the stage for a long and fulfilling journey as a yoga teacher.
  • Yoga Teacher Training - Advanced Course
    The Yoga Teacher Training at Home.Yoga stands out for its comprehensive Foundation course, which provides a solid framework for understanding the authentic practice of yoga with a living tradition. The 200 hours of training are spread out over 6 months, allowing for a deeper and more integrated learning experience. This approach ensures that our trainees have ample time to absorb and embody the teachings, creating insightful and versatile yoga teachers. Our training goes beyond the physical practice, encompassing the philosophical and spiritual aspects of yoga, providing a holistic and well-rounded education. With a focus on building a strong foundation in yoga, our teacher training sets the stage for a long and fulfilling journey as a yoga teacher.
  • Training in Yoga Therapy - Specialist Course
    The 2 year program at Homeof.Yoga from Sanatan Yoga is designed to provide students with comprehensive skills in Therapeutic Yoga Teachings. Throughout the program, students will delve into studying the yoga therapy concepts and principles as outlined in Yogic texts and Hindu Scriptures. This includes understanding and correlating these ancient concepts and principles with modern science and yoga therapy practices.
  • Training in Yoga Therapy - Yogic Counselling
    The Yoga Teacher Training at Home.Yoga stands out for its comprehensive Foundation course, which provides a solid framework for understanding the authentic practice of yoga with a living tradition. The 200 hours of training are spread out over 6 months, allowing for a deeper and more integrated learning experience. This approach ensures that our trainees have ample time to absorb and embody the teachings, creating insightful and versatile yoga teachers. Our training goes beyond the physical practice, encompassing the philosophical and spiritual aspects of yoga, providing a holistic and well-rounded education. With a focus on building a strong foundation in yoga, our teacher training sets the stage for a long and fulfilling journey as a yoga teacher.
  • Training in Yoga - CPD
    The Yoga Teacher Training at Home.Yoga stands out for its comprehensive Foundation course, which provides a solid framework for understanding the authentic practice of yoga with a living tradition. The 200 hours of training are spread out over 6 months, allowing for a deeper and more integrated learning experience. This approach ensures that our trainees have ample time to absorb and embody the teachings, creating insightful and versatile yoga teachers. Our training goes beyond the physical practice, encompassing the philosophical and spiritual aspects of yoga, providing a holistic and well-rounded education. With a focus on building a strong foundation in yoga, our teacher training sets the stage for a long and fulfilling journey as a yoga teacher.
  • Small Courses on Yoga Topics
    The Yoga Teacher Training at Home.Yoga stands out for its comprehensive Foundation course, which provides a solid framework for understanding the authentic practice of yoga with a living tradition. The 200 hours of training are spread out over 6 months, allowing for a deeper and more integrated learning experience. This approach ensures that our trainees have ample time to absorb and embody the teachings, creating insightful and versatile yoga teachers. Our training goes beyond the physical practice, encompassing the philosophical and spiritual aspects of yoga, providing a holistic and well-rounded education. With a focus on building a strong foundation in yoga, our teacher training sets the stage for a long and fulfilling journey as a yoga teacher.

Contact us

At Homeof.Yoga, we provide comprehensive training to make you a better yoga teacher. Our program covers a wide range of topics and practices that not only enhance your skills as a teacher but also make you a better, more mindful human being. Choose our program and embark on a transformative journey.

We are very proud of our teachings. We offer more than many others around. We hope you will be proud of your learning too.

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